Anna Lotan Ltd



Ingredients and Safety

The company, founded in 1983 by Mrs. Anna Lotan, is one of the largest manufacturers of professional cosmetic products in Israel.

Talented cosmetologist scientist Anna Lotan Ltd

Talented cosmetologist scientist

Anna Lotan Ltd

Anna Lotan, a talented cosmetologist scientist, changed the idea of ​​women about themselves and revealed to them the secrets of prolonging youth. She was one of the first to develop cosmeceuticals – a new direction that emerged at the intersection of cosmetics and medicine, to create branded recipes for professional medical cosmetics, which are considered an honor to be used in fashionable beauty salons.

The specificity of cosmeceuticals is that they, first of all, should take into account the structure and needs of the skin as much as possible in order to influence precisely those mechanisms that require correction. The main thing in the products is that the products do not harm the skin and activate the processes of its restoration. The company’s motto: “Do no harm!” Professionals in more than 50 countries of the world work with Anna Lotan cosmetics.

Features of Anna Lotan products

Features of

Anna Lotan products


All ingredients are natural: aloe juice, Dead Sea salts, alpine moss, seaweed, sea buckthorn extract, essential oils.


Cosmetics are not traumatic, not aggressive and hypoallergenic.


Treatment and prevention of acne and post-acne, age-related skin changes.


All preparations are compatible with each other and are perfectly combined with each other, which allows, having a relatively small set of cosmetics, use them sparingly.

Explore the Anna Lotan Ltd product range

Explore the Anna Lotan Ltd

product range